seoul olympics stadium

laser lights during lee seunggi's concert
originally built for the 1988 summer olympics stadium, it is one massive place, featuring the various facilities, sculptures, museums and a park. unfortunately, i've only been there twice, and both times at night, because the olympics stadium is currently also widely used for hosting of concerts!

so if you're a k-pop fan, headed down for the latest snsd or bigbang concert, it'll most likely be held here. located at olympic park station, you'll not be lost if you follow the massive crowds also headed for the same concert. just keep walking, and eventually you'll reach the main stadium, where sometimes tents are set up outside for phototaking, and booths selling food.

some practical advice would be:
1. go to the toilet prior, because the queues are usually super long, even at the cafes outside the concert venue, because like you, everyone else needs to go
2. bring a small camera (to hide from minders), because cameras are not really allowed at some concerts, and if so, the security people are really strict about it! i've seen some climb over seats etc, just to get ppl to stop taking pics.

outside the main concert venue
start of lee seunggi concert

or, if you're a tourist in seoul and have only heard of a concert last-minute, don't worry. usually, tickets are not sold out (despite the worldwide phenomenon of hallyu, competition is still very stiff among k-pop stars in korea itself, so most of the time, even tickets for top A-listers are not sold out), and you can always purchase them on the spot from the ticketing booth outside the main concert venue (that's what i did to watch lee seunggi!)

posing with yg concert poster
inside the concert venue