the white seoul tower

well, hello! 

this is the very first, and i wanted to include a special picture. i took this on my first time at the N Seoul Tower, and it was a cold winter night. Despite the fog, my friends and i paid to go up the observatory deck and what spread out in front of us was the entire city of seoul. bathed in beautiful lights, late at night. gorgeous.

so anyway, back to this. yep, as part of this blog, im starting a series of articles to be written on various bits of seoul by different contributing writers, in the hope that this could eventually become a newsletter for korea-lovers. so i'll be gathering the help of my friends in seoul, random strangers who've travelled there and love the place, k-pop lovers, basically anybody! in fact, if you have a piece to share, some thoughts maybe, drop me a mail- i'll love to hear from you :)

i'll start the ball rolling with the next post, and in the meantime, be good!

안녕 (goodbye!)

love, anch
editor of typeseoul